1. Improves your Mental Health

Plants and flowers do make people happy. House plants can contribute to our feeling of well-being, make us calmer and be optimistic. They help us in improving our mental health. Research has shown that many house plants help in reducing anxiety, enhance feelings of calm, improve mood and self-esteem in a greater way. Plants in the house also help in easing feelings of depression and enhance the general feeling of well-being and mind. Studies have also shown that patients who have plants or flowers in their rooms often recover more quickly. Having houseplants can help to improve your memory and focus by offering a calming representation of nature. Some of these plants include Prayer Plant, Rose Grape, Velvet Plant, Rosemary, etc.
2. Boost Productivity

Productivity is known to be improved in an environment where plants are present. The efficiency of doing tasks, concentration and focus are all improved; thereby increase productivity within the workforce. Research consistently finds adding plants to the workplace reduces stress and increases productivity. Many of us are working in a home environment and struggling to find some conditions of normality as we turn living rooms into home offices. Some indoor plants in your workplace like Umbrella Plant, ZZ Plant, etc will help by boosting your productivity.
3. Improve Air Quality

NASA carried out a study called the Clean Air Study to determine which plants help to clean the air we breathe by eliminating harmful toxins. The spider plant is one of the plants on the list. It is one of the most popular and easiest to grow house plants. Even, modern office buildings with mostly sealed air, can contain up to ten times more pollutants than the air outside. Common toxic culprits found in the office are mold, formaldehyde, dust mites, carbon monoxide and chemical cleaning agents etc. Plants improve indoor air quality by removing harmful toxic pollutants. It also stabilizes humidity levels. Snake Plant, Bamboo Palm, Area Palm are some other plants known as effective air purifying plants.
4. Natural Healing

5. Natural Humidifier

Most indoor Plants are natural humidifiers. They add moisture to the air which helps in breathing. If you live somewhere dry or the air gets dry in the winter, they are great to place in every room of your house. If you have a bedroom where you can place them – they will add moisture and help reduce the air temperature, making it perfect for sleeping. Plants like bamboo palms do not just look elegant but also act as a natural humidifier besides cleaning the air. To know more plants, read Best Plants for Re-Humidifying Your Dry Indoor Air.
6. Natural Air Fresheners

7. Reduce noise pollution

Plants absorb, diffract and reflect sound. Research has shown that plants absorb sound through stems, leaves, and branches. To reduce noise, indoor plants should be placed around the perimeter of the space instead of the center to help the sound reflect off the walls and straight into to leaves.
8. Reduce stress

9. Improve Sleep

With stress and anxiety causing insomnia issues to some people, it is a good idea to fill your home and bedroom with a variety of plants that have a calming effect. In addition, poor air quality from pollution, odors and molds can impact our breathing, thus making your sleep disturbed. Jasmine & lavender are few examples of indoor plant which can improve sleep.
Indoor plants play an important role in providing a pleasant and peaceful environment in which to move, work or relax. Because plants have large surface areas and exchange gases and water with their surroundings, plants can reduce carbon dioxide levels, increase humidity, &remove toxic chemicals & pollutants and airborne dust levels. So getting a greener indoor environment is a good thought. Take all the benefits now and get some green plants for your home and office.
Reference links used:
1. – A breath of Fresh Air, La Ronna DeBraak
2. – House Plants for a Healthy Home, Jon Van Zile
3. – The Healing Power of Plants, Fran Bailey