Observe the signs to understand if your plant requires a new home. Pots need to be replaced every 2-3 years as the plant grows to prevent from damage and sustain a healthy growth.
- When to Repot
- What you will require for Repotting
- How to Repot your plant in simple steps
- After you Repot your Plant
Choosing the right pot will aid you to keep your house plants healthy. A good container should offer plenty of drainage and will need to be replaced every few years as the plant grows, to avoid its roots becoming root-bound.
When to Repot your Plant?

Plants typically need to be repotted every few years, depending on how actively they are growing. Some slow growers can remain healthy in the same pot their home for years, but may require soil replenishment. Spring, before the start of the growing season, is usually the best time to repot your plants.
If you see one or a combination of these signs, you will know it is time to repot:
- Waterlogged compost may indicate that plant’s pot drainage is not working, and it requires a new one with adequate drainage holes.
- Root growth through the drainage holes at the bottom of the container, suggesting the plant is root-bound.
- Roots tightly encircling at the root balls when you tip it out.
- Presence of salt and minerals buildup on your planter
- Paling or Yellowing of leaves may be a sign that the roots are congested and unable to take up nutrients efficiently.
- Plant wilting may also be a sign of congested roots.
- Drying of Soil quickly, water will run right through it instead of being absorbed
- Divide and Conquer – Plant Babies; when plants get too crowded, they can be divided to free up space and make new plants; repotting and dividing offshoots into self-sufficient plants.
What you will require for Repotting

- New pot
- Compost
- Trowel (help in removing the plant.)
- Scissors or a sharp knife (pruning)
- Gloves
How to Repot your Plant in simple steps

Repotting a plant may seem like a difficult task as a lot of things can go wrong during the process – you can damage the plant by removing it improperly from its old pot or fail to repot it correctly and therefore cause the plant to die.Below are the easy steps for repotting your plant:
- Choose the Right Pot: Most plants are repotted every 2-3 years or annually when they are young. Choose a pot that is wide and deep enough to fit the root ball (with some space around the edges and at the top to allow for watering) or opt for a pot one size larger than the current container. We suggest giving the plant at least an extra inch, depending on size.
Additional Tip: Make sure your new pot has good drainage holes. Otherwise, your plant might be immersed in water and rotting. - Clean your planter with hot, soapy water and pat dry.
- Start by watering your plant thoroughly before repotting. This will help avoid transplant shock and keep the rootball together.
- Gently remove your plant from its existing pot by turning it sideways, supporting the main stem in one hand, and pulling the pot away with your other hand. You can also use a knife to loosen the soil around the edges of the pot.
- Loosen the rootball using your hands and prune any long ends or rotten roots. When repotting in the same pot, shake off excess soil and cut a quarter of the roots with the help of scissors.
- Add a layer of compost to the bottom of the new pot.
- Set the plant over the new compost, ensuring that the top is sitting 1 cm below the pot rim. This allows space for water to collect at the top before filtering into compost.
- Fill in around the roots with more compost, pressing it down gently to remove any air gaps. Do not bury the stems (or aerial roots if it has any), it should be at the same depth as it was in its original pot. Gently water, taking care to keep the leaves dry.
- Once your plant is in place, give it another rinse to settle it in its new home. It will take a few weeks to recover from repotting.
After You Re-pot Your Plant

After repotting, plants tend to enter a period of shock. It is a normal thing to happen. Plants may appear wilted and thirsty, but take care to refrain from watering until about a week after repotting to ensure that any roots damaged during transplanting have healed. During the recovery period, place plants in a cooler, shadier spot.
Most potting soils contain fertilizer. To prevent over-fertilizing and damaging your plant, you can hold off on fertilizing for nearly 4 – 6 weeks after re-potting.
The Final words
With some simple tips and tricks, potting and repotting your houseplants is easy. Proper potting is a key to set your plant up for success and it is important for the overall health of your plants. Repotting is a stressful time for a plant, so try not to do it often. Observe the signs to understand if your plant requires a new home.
Reference links used:
1. https://www.wildinteriors.com/blog/plant-shock
2. Practical Houseplant Book (RHS, Fran Bailey & Zia Allaway)