Know your Plant
- Long arching, and somewhat brittle fronds with small alternate leaflets along the midrib.
- It is well displayed in a hanging / macramé basket or sitting upon a pedestal.
- It is one of the best plants for removing harmful air pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
- It decreases humidity to the indoor environment.
- Needs care and attention, frequent misting required.
- The gel has antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties.
Plant Essentials
Filtered Sun or indirect sunlight is ideal.
Average room temperature (days - 18-24°C, nights – 10-18 °C)
Water weekly. Misting to be done daily or the leaves will turn brown and begin to drop.
Grows best in a soilless mix, but this method needs constant watering. Also grows well in a humus-rich potting soil. For a less frequent watering schedule, Hydroculture is a good choice.
Apply Half Strength balanced liquid fertiliser every fortnight from spring to autumn.
Grow in a 5-6 inches pot. Repot every 2-3 years when root bound (in a size larger pot)
Other Tips/ Info
When plant is root bound, divide the plant during repotting.
Preferred Pot Size
5-6 inches
Maximum Height
2 feet
Approx. Spread
2 feet
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