- One of the most strikingly beautiful foliage plants.
- Attractive pattern of oval shaped green foliage with splash of cream color in the middle.
- Can reach upto 5 feet in height but normally grows 2-3 feet indoors.
- Removes indoor air contaminants, ammonia & xylene.
- Excellent for increasing oxygen levels indoors.
- Poisonous, should not be consumed.
- Easy to grow & maintain.
Plant Essentials
Dappled shade; Semi sun to semi shade. Avoid direct sunlight in summers / Filtered Sun.
Warm humid room is good (16-27°C). Can tolerate lower temperatures upto 9°C for shorter periods.
Keep soil moist. Water sparingly in winters; water when the top 1” of soil is dry. Avoid drafts.
When grown in soil, prefers peat mixes or compost of loam, peat, leaf-mold & sand. Thrives in Hydroculture
Apply balanced liquid fertiliser every month from spring to autumn.
Plant in a pot that fits the root ball. Repot when root-bound every 2-3 years.
Other Tips/ Info
Plant parts are toxic and not to be consumed, wear gloves while pruning. Doesnot tolerate drafts.
Preferred Pot Size
5-6 inches
Maximum Height
5 feet
Approx. Spread
3 feet
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